Freedom lies in the heart of its people; government is the defender and a free-market economy is the enabler of that ideal. Before either of those could exist, freedom had to be won with the revolutionary war. Let’s not lose it. Establish your value of freedom with awareness from the book, FREEDOM DEFINED,
Every day we are bombarded with information ‘telling’ us what to think based on someone’s idea of what is important to know. The old adage of ‘making truth’ by repeating a notion, is actually fundamental to learning. The danger and challenge lyes in the listening and deciding what the ingredients for truth really are before making it a part of our belief.
This book is about providing the ingredients of freedom allowing the reader to determine his own truth. Mankind has always sought, fought, and died for freedom. The fight goes on every day. Maybe with the wisdom and experience of the ages, we can deal with the threats and make this a better world.
I would like to think of this book as a self-help textbook that can easily be turned to when information becomes convoluted.
The attacks on freedom keep changing but the fundamental requirements remain the same. This book is hardcover providing the presence for occasional review and to enhance its value by preventing it from being ‘clicked’ away physically and mentally.
Lifeline Publishing LLC
Scottsdale, Arizona
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